Monday, October 19, 2020

The politics of the day.

     As most of you may know, my political affiliation leans strongly to the left, more liberal side.  Although I do not believe in everything for nothing, I do believe there are many things we can do in this country that will improve the lives of so many Americans.  Some of those things include free and equal healthcare for all Americans, much lower prescription costs and total equality for ALL.
     Here is what I have learned from traveling to countries with healthcare for all.  Sure, the people of those countries pay more in taxes to cover the costs but think of what they receive in return.  In those countries, all citizens are paid a living wage, ever the lowly janitors and street cleaners.   And all receive the same healthcare.  Seems easy, right?  There are so many other things that the citizens other wealthy countries receive for their taxes like good roads, terrific public transportation, etc.
    Here is the US, things are obviously different.  Politicians covet the dollar more than they covet the average American.  And god forbid they raise taxes on those who can afford to pay more.  I keep hearing that the Democrats do nothing but raise taxes but I see the Republicans spending like crazy and then lowering taxes on the rich.  Does this make sense to you?  Me either.
    When it comes to healthcare, US citizens are basically on their own.  There are government options for low income and senior citizens but certain politicians would rather do away with all that and so far, I have not heard of any replacements for that healthcare.  And still, if those politicians have their way, there are things like "pre-existing conditions" to consider.  
    My opinion, raise taxes on those making more than $400,000 per year, close cooperate tax loop holes and give every American healthcare with options to purchase supplemental insurance.  
    Soon we will be completing ballots for government officials from the President on down.  I wonder if there is a candidate who might agree with me?!?
    So remember, vote like your health (and mine) depended on it!!!

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Here I go again

     It has been a while since my last post and so I have decided to redo my Blog's look and start over  with new ideas and themes.
     What I plan are posts with random thoughts and ideas.  I will plan on a theme for each post and will try to include photos that match the theme.  If all goes as planned, I will do a minimum of one post per week.  Topics will range from politics to my life and travels to what ever is on my mind.  The blog's emotions will run from happy to sad, pleased to angry.  And as always, I appreciate feedback and comments. 
     So, sit back, relax and put your reading glasses on.  Ready?  Set?  Here we go again!

The politics of the day.

     As most of you may know, my political affiliation leans strongly to the left, more liberal side.  Although I do not believe in everythi...